The Center for Geopolymer Research and Applications partners with organizations around the world including:
Geopolymer Institute, St Quentin, France
- Dr. Joseph Davidovits
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
Engineer Research and Development Corps (ERDC)
US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- Dr. Ghassan Al-Chaar
- Dr. Peter Stynoski
Hitit University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Çorum-TURKEY
- Professor Cengiz Bagci
At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
- Prof. Alexander F. Vakakis
- Prof. Iwona Jasiuk
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Prof. Nishant Garg
Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering
- Assistant Research Prof. Daniel Andruczyk
School of Architecture
- Prof. Mark Taylor
- Prof. Sudarshan Krishnan
Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
- Prof. Henrique Reis
Materials Research Laboratory
- Mauro R. Sardela, Director of Central Research Facilities
Other University Partners
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Civil & Materials Engineering
- Prof. Mohssen Issa
Northwestern University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, McCormick School of Engineering
- Prof. Ange Okono
Illinois State Geological Survey
- Dr. Andrew Stumpf
Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)
- Dr. Yanping Sun
University of South Australia at Mawson Lakes
- Research Professor Frank Bruno
INPA-National Institute for Amazonian Research/Structural Engineering Laboratory, Manaus, Brazil
- Dr. Ruy A. Sá Ribeiro
- Dr. Marilene G. Sá Ribeiro
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Department of Civil Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Prof. Flávio de Andrade Silva
- Dr. Ken Armigo
RCAM Technologies Inc., USA
- Dr. Jason Cotrell
Keanetech, LLC, USA
Keanetech, Pty Ltd, Australia
- Dr. Waltraud Kriven
Zeobond, Pty Ltd,
- Dr. Jannie S.J. van Deventer